Assignments for Week # 15 ENL 121 (Vavra)
Information is not knowledge.
-- Albert Einstein
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Due In-class
     You are encouraged to bring written, relevant questions about assignments to class. Simply leave them on my desk, with or without your name, before class starts.
Apr. 17/18
Be prepared to take Cornell Notes.
1. MP # 3 is due.
2. Study: William Wordsworth's "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802"  Is this sonnet Italian, English, or a mix? Justify your choice, by explaining how the rhyme scheme and internal structure are either Italian or English. What is the theme of the poem?
 Collect Cornell Notes?
Collect MP # 3


Discuss the sonnet.


Apr. 19/20
Be prepared to take Cornell Notes.
Spend no more than an hour and a half on this assignment. (That is the time that you will have for the essay on the final.)
Bring to class an essay on Gerard Manley Hopkins's "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord"
Your thesis should state the theme of the sonnet. Among other things, address the following: Is this sonnet Italian, English, or a mix? Justify your choice, by explaining how the rhyme scheme and internal structure are either Italian or English. Use another concept that supports your view of the theme.
Collect Cornell Notes?

Collect the essays.


Discuss the sonnet.

      If you are having trouble with the course, please see me during office hours (or make an appointment). I can't help you unless you talk to me.
     Two cows were talking at market and Molly says to Daisy "I was artificially inseminated an hour ago". Daisy replied " I don't believe that for a minute". Molly retorted "Its true - no bull".